Thursday 24 June 2010

Paused - Playing again - In a Poppy Field

Due to a number of circumstances I have pressed pause on the Landscape work for a few weeks. Some difficult work assignments and a close family member in hospital contributing to overload. I did manage a few hundred words to add to Project 11 a few days ago and felt pleased with my efforts on light measurement and my renewed interest in measuring light. However blogspot managed to wipe it away and I have nothing to show for it. This was such a demoralising moment I didn't have the energy to start it all again. Maybe I should write in Word and cut and paste into here. Certainly as a platform to work in this is unpredictable to say the least.

29th June 2010

Pressed play again yesterday and visited a field of poppies that a friend had told me about. First visit was mid day and didnt work, but in the evening another visit which may have one or two for  summer in the final assignment. Also found time and energy to write some more on Project 11, which despite blogspots second attempt to delete words is now complete.

One of the Poppy shots. Not sure if this will ever get used in an Assignment but its just refreshing to have taken a photograph again. Maybe in Project 15.

1 comment:

  1. Love the poppy image Nigel - the composition works very well and I particular like the was you've captured the light coming through the papery petals.
    I understand the feeling of overload only too well. It's good to see that you are making progress again and I hope to see more form you soon.
